Thursday, October 8, 2015

Chic DIY Halloween Decor

As much as I love carving and roasting pumpkin seeds, this year I wanted to explore all the beautiful, chic pumpkins and go the unusual route of glamming it up. I came across a bejewelled pumpkin (below) and I fell in love with the look. I wanted to see how many more modern pumpkins I could find and be able to share with you easy ways to do so. I am all about a good DIY but to be honest I'm not into really hard or tricky ones. They have to be under 30 minutes or I just get bored so here are my all time favourite modern, chic halloween decor I discovered. 

From top to bottom: Cupcakes & Cashmere | Sugar & Cloth | Homey Oh My

Would love to hear your thoughts on easy DIY pumpkins and if you are into the chic look as well!!


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